Over at Schembechler Hall in October 2013, this happened:

That’s of course the hand of the lovely & talented artist Jil Gordon (jilgordon.com and trueblue365.com) preparing to paint the score of the 2013 Michigan-Minnesota game in a piece of new real estate – just above the Michigan ‘M’. Upon approval from U-M, Gordon added five slots above the block M to accommodate the next several years, ending the agonizing speculation of nerds distinguished historians like me. Beyond that, they’ll likely add two more columns below the maize block M, then flip to the Minnesota side of the coveted crock and do the same.
Speaking of paint jobs, here’s a rundown of the facelifts the old jug has received through the years:
Here’s how the jug basically looked from 1903 up until around 1920:
Note the first score on the crock was the 6-6 tie from 1903, with our Gopher buddies adding special emphasis on the Minnesota “6”. Touché, Doc and Oscar. Following the 1919 game (when Minnesota won the jug for the first time), the Gophers dropped the details of this victory in the empty space next to the left of the 1903 score:
In the early 1920s Michigan added the two sides of the jug with block M logos (including the Minnesota devil horn look), and a single column for scores:
Another cool shot on a vintage M flag – note the epic vintage M flag. A far as we know an errant pass or cheerleader smashed into this stand during the game :O
In the late 1920s or early 1930s, most likely between 1927 and 1929 when Minnesota had the jug, it was repainted with restyled Block Ms, the same logos you see on the jug today. Word is Minnesota didn’t like how the Minnesota ‘M’ in the 1920s version.

For what it’s worth, note you can still see evidence of a 1920s-style Minnesota ‘M’ beneath the Gopher side today:
In the early 1940s, the single column was repainted to squeeze in other adjacent columns for scores, and we’ve just added new columns as needed ever since. Here’s Oscar with the shiny new column for the 1941 score:
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Brian I.
Looks like I better go scare up the paint, brushes, and painter’s tape to update mine!
Thanks as always for the detailed shots, they are invaluable to us Jugsmen.
I like it.
Now that we are going to different divisions, it will be a while until we fill the space…
Is that our replica on the left in the shot of 3 jugs together?
It looks like it got the update, too. y/n?
Greg - MVictors
Great question – That is not actually the museum Jug replica. With the renovation going on the replica is tucked away. Once it resurfaces Jil will take care of it I’m sure.
Greg - MVictors
yes, this was the bat signal of sorts for the Jugsmen. Action!
Wait, is that little white one the size of the original Jug? Has the Jug been extended, Stanley Cup-style, over the years?
Well, I’m in a LBJ Pickle now !! Right where Jil added the new scores is where Jon Falk nicely autographed my Jug. I guess I can either paint on the new 5 rows of scores over Jon’s autograph and catch up with Big Jon soon for another autograph OR leave my Jug as is and enjoy the autograph I have ??? I guess I should keep future Jug Auto’s up real high. The life-n-times of a Jugsman !!
Greg - MVictors
UGH! Shake your virtual fist at Falk! :)
I’ve been procrastinating on the new column. I’ll get around to adding it at some point, but I’m being lazy (and I think part of me is worried I’ll mess it up!).
Also, in the first version of the dual-M Jug, was the Michigan side maize with a blue M?