1980-1989 | Michigan Football Uniform Timeline
Scroll down for a timeline of Michigan football team uniforms changes through history.
Guidelines: Changes are restricted to helmet, jersey, and pants but include variations of colors, designs, patches, decals, etc. Game-to-game notes only highlight deviations from the recent trend or traditional uniform look. Before posting, updates are confirmed by photos or by U-M officials.
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January 2, 1989 | Pasadena, CA | Rose Bowl vs. Southern Cal
JERSEY: Team wears road/away white jerseys with maize pants. Both shoulders of the jersey feature maize block ‘M’ logo flanked by roses with stems, ‘Big Ten Champions’ script on right, ‘Rose Bowl 1989’ on left.

January 2, 1988 | Tampa, FL | Hall of Fame Bowl vs. Alabama
JERSEY: Team wears road/away white jersey with maize pants. A Hall of Fame Bowl logo patch appears on the left chest:

January 1, 1987 | Pasadena, CA | Rose Bowl vs. Arizona State
JERSEY: White jersey, shoulders decorated with maize block ‘M’, rose logo and script ‘Rose Bowl’ and ‘1987’.

January 1, 1986 | Tempe, AZ | Fiesta Bowl vs. Nebraska
JERSEY: Team wears home blue jersey with maize pants. Shoulders are decorated with bowl logo and sponsor name, and read MICHIGAN Sunkist Fiesta Bowl 1986:

September 25, 1985 | Ann Arbor, MI | vs. Maryland
HELMET: Helmet vendor brand names (BIKE, etc.) on nosebumper replaced by blue ‘MICHIGAN’ label:
1985-1994 Seasons | Ann Arbor, MI
HELMET: Helmet stickers return with a slight design change. The new stickers feature snarling Wolverine with football laces added above. Here’s an actual 1985-era decal (via the Dr. Sap archives).
1983-1984 Seasons | Ann Arbor, MI
HELMET: Helmet decals are removed for two seasons, returning in 1985. (See the Case of the Missing Decals for more).
January 1, 1984 | New Orleans, LA | Sugar Bowl vs. Auburn
JERSEY: Team wears white (road) jerseys with maize pants. And for the first time in history, the jersey includes a special bowl/logo patch that appears on a Michigan uniform. The patch appears on top of both shoulders to honor the 50th anniversary of the Sugar Bowl.

The logo, from the 1984 Sugar Bowl media guide:

1983 | Ann Arbor, MI
SHOES: Nike becomes the exclusive shoe provider. Zoom in on the 1983 team photo or check out Bo here:
1982 Season | Ann Arbor, MI
HELMET: The three stripes now converge at the BOTTOM of the back of the helmet.
1981 Season | Ann Arbor, MI
JERSEY: U-M partners with Champion for their team jerseys. The numeral font on the jersey drastically changes – going from bold BLOCK numbers to a thinner, sleeker, and more rounded font.

JERSEY: NCAA bans “tear-away” style jerseys.
January 1, 1981, | Pasadena, CA | Rose Bowl vs. Washington
JERSEY: Team is designated as the road team and wears the traditional road white jersey with maize pants. (No bowl or special patch/design).

1980 Season | Ann Arbor, MI
JERSEY: Player last names appear on the back of both home (blue) and road (white) jerseys at the request of the players.
SHOES: Converse and Pony branded shoes are introduced.
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