1990-1999 | Michigan Football Uniform Timeline
Scroll down for a timeline of Michigan football team uniforms changes through history.
Guidelines: Changes are restricted to helmet, jersey, and pants but include variations of colors, designs, patches, decals, etc. Game-to-game notes only highlight deviations from the recent trend or traditional uniform look. Before posting, updates are confirmed by photos or by U-M officials.
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January 1, 1999 | Orlando, FL | Florida Citrus Bowl vs. Arkansas
JERSEY: Blue jerseys with bowl and sponsor patch on shoulders. Left shoulder reads ‘1999’ below the logo, right shoulder ‘1998 Big Ten Champions’:

1998 Season | Ann Arbor
JERSEY: Nike swoosh logo moves (from left shoulder) to the center-front at the bottom of the collar, for both home and away jerseys:

January 1, 1998 | Pasadena, CA | Rose Bowl vs. Washington State
JERSEY: Blue jerseys with shoulders decorated with maize block ‘M’ with bowl logos on either side, with ‘Rose Bowl’ above and ‘1998’ below.
Also Big Ten logo appears outside the collar on the right chest and reads ‘CHAMPIONS 1997’:

October 4, 1997 | Bloomington, IN | vs. Indiana
JERSEY: The white (road) jerseys are changed as a blue block “M” (with maize trim) is added to the sleeves, and thus the thin blue, thick maize, thin blue stripe pattern on the sleeves is removed.

January 1, 1997 | Orlando, FL | Outback Bowl vs. Alabama
JERSEY: Blue jerseys with bowl patch and year on right chest:
1996 Season | Ann Arbor, MI
JERSEY: Big Ten 100th season patch, introduced in 1995, is removed.
December 28, 1995 | San Antonio, TX | Alamo Bowl vs. Texas A&M
JERSEY: Team wears white/road jerseys with a bowl sponsor patch on the right chest. Big Ten 100th season patch remains on left chest (via Michigan Daily):

August 26, 1995 | Ann Arbor, MI | vs. Virginia
HELMET: Lloyd Carr takes over as head coach and helmet decal stickers are removed from the helmet.
JERSEY: Patch celebrating Big Ten’s 100th season is featured on left front chest.

JERSEY: From 1995 (to 1997) U-M Nike home jerseys have Block ‘M’ embossed under the shoulders:

December 30, 1994 | San Diego, CA | Holiday Bowl vs. Colorado State
JERSEY: White jersey, bowl logo patch on shoulders.

October 8, 1994 | Ann Arbor, MI | vs. Michigan State
JERSEY: Michigan retires the #48 of former President Gerald Ford at a halftime ceremony. (In 2012 Ford and the #48 officially entered the Michigan Football Legends program and returned to the field. In 2015 with Legends program is canceled, and the #48 is retired once again.)
September 3, 1994 | Ann Arbor, MI | vs. Boston College
PANTS: Blue block ‘M’ on front left hip increases in size:

March 1994 | Ann Arbor, MI
APPAREL CONTRACT: Michigan signs 6-year contract with Nike for:
..apparel and shoes, totaling more than 23,000 items over six years for football, basketball, hockey, baseball, softball, swimming, wrestling, golf, tennis, field hockey, cross-country, track and field, gymnastics, volleyball, soccer and cheerleading squads.
January 1, 1994 | Tampa, FL | Hall of Fame Bowl vs. North Carolina State
JERSEY: White jerseys; shoulders decorated with maize block ‘M’ over Hall of Fame logo, reads ‘Michigan’ above and ‘Hall of Fame Bowl 1994’ below:
September 4, 1993 | Ann Arbor, MI | vs. Washington State
PANTS: Small Block M appears on the left thigh of pants:
January 1, 1993 | Pasadena, CA | Rose Bowl vs. Washington
JERSEY: Team wears away/white jersey. Shoulders decorated with maize block ‘M’ flanked by Rose Bowl logo. The left shoulder reads ‘Rose Bowl 1993’; the right shoulder reads ‘Big Ten Champions’ with “5” indicating five straight conference titles.

January 1, 1992 | Pasadena, CA | Rose Bowl vs. Washington
JERSEY: Team wears home/blue jersey. The left shoulder reads “Michigan – Big Ten Champions (in script), with years 88 89 90 91 below. The right shoulder reads Michigan Rose Bowl 1992.
January 1, 1991 | Jacksonville, FL | Gator Bowl vs. Mississippi
JERSEY: Team wears home/blue jersey with large circular sponsor/bowl patch on left chest:
January 1, 1990 | Pasadena, CA | Rose Bowl vs. Southern Cal
JERSEY: Team wears home/blue jersey. Shoulders are decorated with Rose Bowl logo and reads Michigan 1990 with the phrase ‘Back To Back’:
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