[Update: Call ahead due to COVID restrictions]
Want a rapid virtual tour of the Schembechler Hall Towsley Family Museum? Check it out here from 2020:
Because the media huddles inside the museum inside Schembechler Hall (officially the Margaret Dow Towsley Sports Museum), I’ve been able to check out the displays quite a few times. I was never clear on whether it was open to the public. As far as I understand it, it was open many years ago, then closed for a spell for whatever reason.
The hours are Monday-Thursday 9-12 and 1-4, and Friday 9-1. It’s worth a look and if you haven’t been there in a while they’ve added some new displays.
Reader Corey recently visited and took some great shots, you can view them all here. A few favorities:

Again, you can see all of them here.
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The museum was very much open to the public when it first opened. I remember spending a few afternoons in there ~1993-4ish? They had a little room that showed on-demand Michigan Replay feature stories. It was awesome. Can’t wait to get back in there.
Damn, I always wanted to go in there but it was closed to the public when I was an undergrad. Of course it re-opens when I no longer live in Michigan.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/cseeman/6193626982/in/photostream Greg, is this the Rose Bowl trophy from 1964?
Thanks for the info.
@Teddy–I think the trophy on the bottom is the Chicago Tribune Silver Football, awarded annually to the Big Ten MVP.
do these hours change during the summer?
I’m headed back to Michigan for a month this June (from Phoenix) – want to make sure I can take my 2 daughters to the museum. Thanks.