Ann Arbor Pickers: Stadium Bond #2393 ?

In March I posed this question – Are any original Michigan Stadium bonds out there?  Given the lack of comments on the post and emails (none) on this matter, I’ve only confirmed that there are loud crickets in Ann Arbor. 

An email from Brian at the great U-M Bentley Library this week was pretty enlightening (and a little discouraging) as far as the prospect of one of these being out there:

UM records show most were redeemed.  Not only redeemed, but also destroyed by burning:
A March 17, 1955 document states:

The Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics … hereby certifies that it has proved the following described documents and has caused same to be completely destroyed by burning them to ashes in the presence of the undersigned witness.

(1) Stadium Bonds issued by the Board in Control … numbered 1 to 3000, inclusive, except bond numbered 2393, together with all unmatured coupons attached thereto, all of said Bonds thus destroyed having previously been paid in full, duly retired and cancelled. . . . ”
HO Crisler
Marcus Plant
Norma Bentley

I thought you might be interested in this information.  I’d love to know if there are any Bonds that weren’t redeemed and are still out there, but like I said, there couldn’t me many.  I think there were 2-3 reported lost or stolen that were replaced, so MAYBE the originals of those exist.

The elusive bond #2393!   So once again I’ll ask, does anyone have one of these stowed away in their attic or on an office wall?