Dear Tony, Pound Sand | Professor and the Pundit – S3 Ep1

This show is brought to you by my man, Nick Hopwood, and Peak Wealth Management! Want to support this podcast? Check out their website and call Peak at 734.681.7575!
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Good golly, what a mess. The boys are back in the studio for the Season 3 premiere discussing the sign-stealing business afoot and much more. Scroll down for the run down.

The rundown:

  • Santa says Relax. We get right into it with the showdown with the B1G on Friday, President Ono’s letter that preempted their chat, and what we’re hearing and feeling. It’s clear the rest of the B1G wants Harbaugh’s head.
  • Cohen to Rogal – Dooley breaks down the SAE Mudbowl (SAE 26, Phi Delt 24), and both lads relieve college intramural glory, or thereabouts.
  • Sights & Sounds – A t-shirt lost and found, the WTKA pregame vibe, and much more.
  • NIL Update, the NCAA is in deep – A new court ruling has the NCAA on its heels and perhaps, having a garage sale soon.
  • B1G, National, and Penn State preview – A quick turn around the league and national headlines, and Steve shares his notes on the big one Saturday in Happy Valley.

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Thanks for all the listens, likes, ratings, and shares! Over 25,000 plays on Apple and over 15,000 on Spotify!

Thank you, Nick Hopwood and Peak Wealth Management!
Check out their website or call Peak at 734.681.7575!


  • Lew

    Great episode! How about we leave the B1G and form a new league with Notre Dame, USC, UCLA, Washington, Oregon, Texas, Miami, Florida State, and let’s add Northwestern, North Carolina and Virginia so we can have a championship?

    Also, Michigan has a Lost Property law and, if Steve wasn’t such a kind gentleman, the finder of Steve’s missing t-shirt would have to take it to the policy department and go through the applicable legal process in order to lawfully claim it. So there you go.