• Treezy From Sunday Morning. On Twitter.

    Roy Roundtree (TreezyUM12) can tweet, 7,188 times at the current count, but he has cooled down as of late.  I caught him inside the Glick on Sunday during Media Day and talked a little Twitter: MVictors:  I know you use Twitter and you’re on Twitter quite a bit.  Do the coaches talk to you about using Twitter? Roundtree:  Oh yeah, they always talk about Twitter.  “It’s not your friend”—that’s what they tell us, because it’s a social network and we’ve always got to watch what we say…they always emphasize that to us.” MVictors:  So they say, “You can use it, but..” Roundtree: They don’t want us to use it MVictors: They ask you not to? Roundtree:  Yeah [laughs] MVictors: But they’re not prohibiting you, and you still plan to use Twitter? Roundtree:  Yeah.  I’m not a bad guy, I like to communicate with my fans and keep them updated now and again.  But right now, since I’m in camp, I really haven’t been using it.  I’m just focused on getting ready for September 3rd. Follow TreezyUM12 on Twitter.  Heck, follow MVictors on Twitter

  • A Nice Day for Football (Photos)

    A few shots from practice today: Troy Woolfolk looking fit working with the DBs   The boss was keeping a close eye on the kickers Open punting try-outs (not really)   Denard grabbing the snap   Denard hitting TE Steve Watson Related: Heading to the Third World Media/Fan Day – Photos   Follow MVictors on Twitter

  • Black and Blue – New Trailer For Gerald Ford-Willis Ward Documentary

    Check out the updated trailer for the Willis Ward-Gerald Ford documentary – looks to be outstanding (despite the gent at 1:51):   I understand from Buddy and Brian down at Stunt3 that it will be released in the September-October timeframe and like Bart Scott, I “Can’t Wait”.   Look for more updates here of course and I hope you will check it out. For much more read my post on The Willis Ward Protests.

  • MGoAuction!

    An impressive array of goods up for bid to support the U-M School of Kinesiology and the Pat Maloy Scholarship.   Here’s a listing all of the items.   A few of my favorites: Jug? Leach?  Count me in: Very cool for the man person cave for former students.  The Michigan Daily declares that Desmond won some serious hardware: Pound the chest a couple times.  David Harris autographed pic in a beautifully arranged shot:

  • Heading to the Third World

    Along the same lines the pallets of t-shirts that read ‘Buffalo Bills, Super Bowl Champions’, I’m guessing this jersey for sale today at the athletic department Garage Sale will soon be off to help fight poverty somewhere (via Phil C at umgoblue.com): More Media/Fan Day photos here. Follow MVictors on Twitter (Over 3,000 strong)

  • Media/Fan Day – Photos

    A few pics from Fan Day.  Overall the weather held up and it seemed like a huge crowd.  Some of the folks in line for Coach Hoke were out at 8am this morning. First the players, including some new faces:   Thomas Rawls.  Fred Jackson had great things to say about him, and expect him in action early in the season   A few games may will come down to this very young man, Kicker (and punter?) Matt Wile. .   Molk fending off Mike Rothstein Koger not Kroger received high, high praise from Coach Hoke   Denard in a future spot for FSN    Treezy told me the players are asked not to Tweet, but Roy Roundtree can’t help it   The new scoreboard HD screens are incredible At least on the north side, I saw a lot of rust in the upper rows in the stadium.  I hope they tighten this up.

  • Live! Michigan Media Day 2011

    Later this morning, let’s Live Chat from Schembechler Hall.   I’ll launch sometime around 10:30am EDT I plan to Live chat through the Hoke press conference and perhaps through one or two of the assistant coach breakouts. Schedule: 10:30 am—Brunch in the Commons 11:00—Head Coach Brady Hoke (commons) 11:30—Assistant Coaches Interviews with Media (commons) 11:30 a.m.-12:40 p.m. – Player Photographs (Al Glick Field House) 11:50 a.m. -12:40 p.m.—Player Interviews (Al Glick Field House) 1:00-2:00 p.m.– Begin Team Photo at Michigan Stadium 2:00-3:30 – Fan Day at Michigan Stadium Michigan Media Day 2011