• Wasn’t that UConn game great? ….Now panic! (Update: Not really)

    Via an email from Joey Held of the PR firm Hill and Knowlton: One of our clients is adidas, and this weekend, in honor of 9/11, several schools are wearing special “Stars and Stripes” jerseys. Michigan is one of those schools, and it’s our job to make sure the media knows about it. Judging by straw poll of instant retweets, 65% hate it (or hate the USA), 30% love it and 5% just like to retweet stuff.   But they aren’t changing the jerseys: Update #1:  Per this tweet, perhaps we can dial it down a notch?  May only affect those on the sidelines, per Kansas athletic department: This Saturday, college football coaches and sideline personnel at the University of Kansas and other schools, will honor the men and women that help keep America safe by wearing the Stars and Stripes Collection by adidas. On-field staff will wear the red, white and blue themed apparel and headwear to celebrate, honor and thank those who have served the country. The full list of adidas universities participating includes: Cincinnati Kansas Louisville Michigan Nebraska Notre Dame NC State Tennessee Texas A & M Wisconsin   Update #2:  I asked Joey Held at Hill and Knowlton to clarify his "jerseys" comment in the note based on the Kansas press release.  Indeed, he checked and it’s…

  • Joe Montana Chills the ‘Rudy’ Legend

    Dan Patrick asked former Notre Dame quarterback Joe Montana about the story of Rudy Ruettiger story, of course immortalized by the film ‘Rudy’: Montana, who played on the 1975 Fighting Irish squad with Ruettiger — appeared on DirecTV’s Dan Patrick Show this morning and said of the flick, “It’s a movie remember … not all that’s true.” After a dismissive sigh, Montana undermined some of the main storylines in the movie saying, “The crowd wasn’t chanting … nobody threw in their jerseys.” Montana acknowledged that the real Rudy did play in the final home game … and did get a sack — but stated that when the players carried Rudy off the field, they were “kinda playin’ around … I won’t say as a joke, but playing around.” Joe finished, “He worked his butt off to get where he was … but not any harder than anybody else.” Here’s the audio clip of Montana debunking the Rudy myth: It’s not the first time I’ve heard many a liberty was taken with the Rudy story. (HT: Ira at WTKA for pointing out the clip.)

  • Down to Bo

    Spotted this on Maize n Brew not to long ago and really enjoyed it.  WolverineHistorian pulled together various on field interview with general Bo.  Damn, Bo was a pisser.  Chomping that gum with those tinted glasses:

  • Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-09-11

    Go Blue! Beat Irish! And here’s what Bo thought of Notre Dame: http://bit.ly/2hellwithND #goblue # Roundtree listed as Probable for ND-good # OK, PR guy confirms, only sideline personnel will have Stars and Stripes themed gear Sat, he misstated jerseys in the original email. # via @danhenry3 Per KU, may just be limited to coaching staff: http://www.kuathletics.com/sports/m-footbl/spec-rel/090910aab.html # I love it. Widespread panic over the Stars and Stripes jersey. I’m working on a pic. # Per adidas PR firm, Michigan one of several schools wearing special “Stars and Stripes” themed jersey Saturday. # Just taped Saturday’s edition of This Week in M Football History for the WTKA pregame show — includes Ufer audio — got goosebumps # RT @Victors_Valiant RR to hold walk-on tryouts again this year.. http://www.mgoblue.com/sports/m-footbl/spec-rel/090810aaa.html # I was a little suspicious after @shoelace_16 invited me over to chill at his apt with DG # Men are calling WTKA @michiganinsider complaining about the bathroom lines at the stadium. I knew it! No troughs = long lines! # Other breaking news, here’s what Denard Robinson’s shoes look like –> http://bit.ly/atPUDt # http://bit.ly/shoelace # Tate will be needed this year, bank on it RT @mgoblog Mike Forcier on Tate and Transfers http://bit.ly/cw2XCq # Dave Brandon sat in on the press conference (next to Rita Rod). # Denard postgame http://plixi.com/p/43314900 #…

  • Bathroom Lines Brutal?

    I heard a few folks on WTKA this morning claim the lines for the new bathrooms in the Big House were horrendous on Saturday and one of the callers blamed it on the removal of the troughs.  Beyond the extended delays, I hear this spawned tactics like the Spartan Stadium-esque entry through the exit door:   Back in May I feared this might happen: For me, anytime I have to leave my stadium seat I’ve got one mission: return as quickly as I can.   Unless they expanded the size of the bathrooms there’s no way you can achieve the throughput the troughs provide with stalls or urinals with dividers. What was your experience Saturday? P.S. on PINS:   I got a tweet from a gent who says he his dad weren’t able to get the commemorative pins that were being passed out.  Did they run out?

  • Who Voted for Michigan – AP poll Sept 7, 2010

    A quick rundown of who voted for Michigan in this week’s AP poll which of course doesn’t really count toward anything but people like to talk about it:   I don’t know if Michigan is worthy of any of this, but I give these guys credit.  They did what most pollsters fail to do—they apparently crumpled up their preseason ballot and voted based on what they’ve watched on the field, how novel.  Here’s the guys who jumped Michigan into the top 20: Doug Lesmerises – Cleveland Plain Dealer (Newspaper)  <—wow.  This OSU/Michigan love lingers in the aftermath of the moving-The-Game near debacle. Jon Sololmon – The Birmingham News (Newspaper)  <—In Birmingham they love the Shoelace. Brett McMurphy – AOL FanHouse (On-line)  <—Brian Cook’s old haunt. And props to U-M grad Niyo.  I owe him an Underground Printing O’Sullivan’s Mug Club shirt next time I see him.

  • I Think it was the Fourth of July

    What a day at the Big House yesterday but it’d be a much different feeling and memory had the team fell flat.  Off the Field: Artwork:  I love that they honored the national championship teams with these larger-than-life displays.  I didn’t get a chance to get over to the east concourse but plan to before the next game.  This from the west concourse, very nicely done: Commemoratives.   The renovation pin is a nice item for fans and the game program is off the hook.   Some of the history features were very well prepared expect one—the section on the Little Brown Jug.   Page 27, bottom right: Dating back to 1909, the battle for the Little Brown Jug is the oldest trophy game in NCAA Division I Football Subdivision. OK.  That’s ok to say “1909” if they meant to say when the teams started playing for the trophy.  That’s correct of course.  But it continued: Heading into that 1909 contest, Michigan was undefeated in 28 straight games as it headed to Minneapolis.. Ugh.  They were describing when the jug was bought and left behind in Minnesota and that was 1903 of course, in the midst of Yost’s point-a-minute teams.  In 1909 Michigan rolled into Minneapolis on the heels of a furious “one” game winning streak, albeit an all-timer—the great victory over Penn…